Since 2003, Light Family Acupuncture has focused on treating the entire family, from children to adults, from allergies and ailments, to preconception through pregnancy and parenthood, and everything in between using Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Work with Melissa
Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of health issues and pain, from allergies to fertility to developmental disorders to stress and anxiety. After a session, people feel very relaxed and energized. Many people notice an immediate relief of symptoms and amazing long-term benefits of their body truly healing from what they are seeking treatment for. See More…
One of our specialized offerings is Red Light Acupuncture, which further enhances the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Both modalities focus on improving and optimizing natural bodily functions that are impeded by life stressors and toxins. By treating the body from the inside out you can truly heal and create long-term effects — quickly! The two together enhance the effects of your treatment, separate they are great but together the effect is unmatched! See More…
Chinese herbs are one of the five branches of TCM. Many drugs listed as conventional medicine were derived from plants. Most herbal formulas, some of them thousands of years old, are created to help the body become balanced so that it can function at full capacity, rather than merely masking symptoms. Chinese herbs treat the underlying condition and rarely cause unwanted side effects. In addition, most Chinese herbs can be taken safely with pharmaceutical medications.
At Light Family Acupuncture we are proud to carry two lines of fantastic herbal tinctures, created by an amazing local company: Chi Kids and Chi Mama by Texas Medicinals. They are glycerin-based tinctures that are easy on the tastebuds. Perfect for the whole family! Contact us to pick up a formula today! See More…
Melissa uses techniques such as pediatric TuiNa, acupuncture and herbal therapy. She has two young children of her own and has a special “knack” for working with kids in a healthcare setting. We are here to answer your questions and help create a course of treatment that’s right for your family. See More…
“Melissa is incredible, she is the only health care professional that I have worked with that I feel actually cares about my entire picture of health, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. She is a good listener and full of empathy and compassion. I am so lucky to have found her and look forward to the years to come with her as my acupuncturist.”
- EP, Patient